Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day! (part 1)

We wake up and I say "Happy Valentines Day" and give him a kiss. He's not sure what's going on but whatever. 
I give him is Dinosaur Heart
(A chocolate box Matey picked out prolly over a month ago that says: Valentine, You're Dino-Mite.)
We go to change his diaper and what's on TV? 
(Finding Nemo on Disney Junior)
What ends literally 2 min after we turn it on?
"MeeMO!" (in an sad and angry voice)

I draw his attention back to the chocolate box and he has fun playing with the Dinosaurs eyes.
(they are the big googily sort)

The Cat (inthehat) comes on.
(I had changed the channel- it's on PBS)
And then the excitement begins: The top of the dinosaur heart comes off!
(the bottom part and candy are shrink-wrapped with a paper blocking the candy from view)

Matey tries to stick his finger through but can't quite get it.
He flips the bottom half over and see's a picture of candy.
He grabs the top half and see's his dinosaur.
One of the two must be inside, but which one?

Again he goes for the plastic and this time: success! 
It's hard work and mean Mommy won't help but he's got it now...
He checks the picture of the candy and the cartoon dinosaur again for motivation
which ever one it is he wants it. 

The wrapper tears, he moves the paper out of the way and it's

1 comment:

An Wanna said...

Dang! I was totally rooting for the dinosaur!