Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not looking my best...

Being away from thePirate is not good for my image. I was already not really ever wearing makeup before I left home but now... at least home I had a shower at least 4 times a week.

... I did laundry... at least my clothes are clean. That's something right?

Being away from home and thePirate I have just lost that last little bit of caring what I look like. Not that I dressed up or anything but... now I look so raggedy. Oh well. I guess it's a good thing that he's not here to see.


Valinda said...

... when you want to cut yourself remember that I love you ...

Anonymous said...

I love you babe, raggedy or not.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you're trying to blend in with your surroundings is all?

Anonymous said...

Hey 2nd anonymous are you saying people here are raggedy?