Friday, September 11, 2009

El Cid: It's just his style

(El Cid left a comment asking if the mohawk was thePirate and I or Matey)
He lost his hair in a "U" shape, leaving the mohawk on top and 'old man hair' below his ears. The hair that was lost has now grown back in, it's simply Very pale blonde (like thePirates apparently was) and fine so it doesnt show up at all in pictures or video.
It's hard to see in real life too most the time.
My hope is that the dark gets pale or vice versa, thePirate wants it to stay two toned.


The Pirate said...

Hey My Love,

Missing you and Matey Sooooo Much. I love you Tami, I can't wait till you get to your moms and get the blog back up. I miss you and the little bugger. Anyways Love, I am here in Kuwait now and don't know when I'll be in Iraq, but I will give you a call in a day or two. I also loaded 60 dollars on my Eagle cash card, so if there is 60 missing from your account, that is why, I needed to buy a few items and not to worry the 60 will last me till the 15th. When I call we will also work out a plan for me using the eagle cash card, since it is attached to your account. I love you tami. Oh and call my mom and tell her I love her and miss her lots. The internet and phones here pretty much suck, so I may be out of cantact for a bit. You know how it goes. I love you Babe. I am updating through facebook as well so you can read the latest news there. I gotta go love. Kisses


Valinda said...

That is how Fred lost her hair as a baby too. It was also at that point of her life the dumb lady in RS told me her hair was falling out cause that was where it rubbed on the car seat.

Grammy said...

the old man thing and the mohawk are just WRONG together... maybe grammy needs to give him mommy's favorite military style haircut???
Just kidding Moga!

El Cid said...

Good to know; I'm with the Pirate - the dew should stay!